Munich hosted the largest logistics fair in the world from June 4 to 7, 2019. 

This fair has confirmed its role as the world's largest intermodal logistics hub. There were 2,374 exhibitors, and around 64,000 visitors.

In this valuable context, Emilia-Romagna Region has decided to organise and chair a workshop (D.C.5.1) aimed to launch the REIF project at international level. The workshop was organised on the 5th of June 2019 in Stand B3 Hall 205 – Emilia-Romagna institutional pavilion.

In fact, REIF project was presented together with its objectives and the innovative approaches to address relevant challenges related to lacking rail connectivity at regional level. In particular, during the workshop Emilia-Romagna Region, showed how the analysis foreseen identifying infrastructural bottlenecks and pilot actions will contribute to foster the intermodal Cluster ER.I.C. at European level and regional level.

Emilia-Romagna Region is strongly committed to improve the rail modal share of 30% in the next years, as reported in the main sectorial planning documents. REIF’s project activities will be the framework to improve coordination among freight transport stakeholders in order to increase and improve mulitmodal environmentally-friendly freight solutions.

The workshop has been attended by intermodal operators railways undertaking, MTO and rail logistic operators.

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