REIF partners are learning from Good practices!

During the second meeting of REIF partnership partners have a lively discussion about good practices. The meeting was organized in Trieste, Italy on 30/09 and 01/10/2019. The hosting partner was Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea.

The main part of the meeting was discussion about identification and learning from good practice. All partners contributed to the discussion. Three main thematic groups of measures were identified and discussed:

  • Setting up innovative coordination platforms
  • Identifying measures for removing infrastructural and functional bottlenecks of the intermodal network at regional level
  • Developing concepts for activating new fail freight services

The second discussion was about status quo and trends in regional rail freight transport in Central Europe, where current state, key trends and predictions for regional rail freight transport in CE territory was analysed.

The last discussion was about format, responsibilities and content of the training activities that will be organized for chosen external experts for the implementation of baseline studies, market potential analyses and identification of bottlenecks, which are next steps in REIF project implementation.